The Social Heaven House
「AICA 施工例コンテスト 2023」特別賞 設計:Syn. Architect 所在地:タイ 用途:戸建住宅 竣工:2023年4月 工事種別:リノベーション 採用商品:メラミン化粧板(テレビボード・ショーケース・パントリー・テーブル) In response to the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our way of life, we’re embarking on a transformative mission to reimagine the very essence of home. As we navigate travel restrictions and a growing desire for enriching at-home social experiences, we recognize the growing need for homes that effortlessly evolve into vibrant, communal spaces. Our approach is centred on adapting interior spaces for large gatherings and social events while maintaining a strong connection to the beauty of the natural world. To achieve this vision, we’ve carefully chosen premium laminate materials, renowned for their durability, impact resistance, and scratch-resistant properties. What truly distinguishes Wilsonart HPL is its unique texture, replicating the tactile sensation of wood grain and the organic feel of natural stone surfaces. These surfaces not only enhance visual aesthetics but also provide a comforting, natural touch. With “The Home of Socialization,” we are redefining home design, creating spaces where social interaction and comfort harmoniously coexist, enriching our lives and strengthening our connections with one another. 新型コロナウイルス感染症のパンデミックが私たちの生活様式に与えた甚大な影響を受け、私たちは家の本質そのものを再考するという変革の使命に着手しています。「The Home of Socialization」によって、私たち住宅デザインを再定義し、社会的交流と快適さとが調和して共存する空間を創造し、生活を豊かにし、そして人とのつながりを強くしていきます。